Two Countries=Two Weddings

Equals two anniversaries!  Last week on 9/19 we had our second wedding anniversary, of our first year of marriage.  One of the benefits of being a bicultural couple, is that you get two weddings and two anniversaries.  Last year I blogged more about the adventures my family went on, than  our Turkish wedding reception.  Which was awesome.   At our Turkish reception we had a live jazz band in an outdoor garden.  Same players, same dress, different flowers, different tie.  And I sang.

At the U.S. wedding Bülent sang me an amazing love song called “Hatırla Sevgilim” or “Remember Darling.”  Not only was it a lovely song, but he has a beautiful voice.

Also, brand new gorgeous husband singing to you–

The stuff dreams are made of…sing

Wanting to be equally romantic, at the Turkish wedding, I sang Bülent a song.

(See look, same dress, veil and suit—different color tie)


Unfortunately, singing is not my gift. So really, it was very sentimental and romantic—because there was no other redeeming value. When I got up on stage with the band, one of them asked me what key I was singing in. I think the look of panic tipped her off—Key, What key? She said they would just follow me…The song, Üsküdar’a Gider İken, is a classic Turkish folk song. I would recommend listening to it, it is lovely and the rendition linked is great.

It is about the rain in Istanbul, a woman and a man.  Clearly all the essentials for romance.  Also it explains the pink umbrella I am brandishing in the photo.  Yes, at one point I was swinging it around and about.  Very sassily.  It earned me a cheer from the guests.


So, happy 2nd 1st anniversary baby!  We are on our way to a long life together.  Let’s look at those numbers:

1 year of marriage
3 years in Turkey
7 years of living together
8 years together in total

This morning we made omelets and toast, then snuggled on the couch and drank our coffee, just like almost every Sunday for the last eight years.  And you know what–I really don’t want to do anything else…Perfect.  Just perfect.


In Turkey brown road signs signify historical sites.  Bulent and I have a dream where one day we can take a road trip and follow every brown historical road sign that tickles our fancy.  Well, when we were in Marmaris we were able to do just that, which lead us to the Ancient city of Amos, situated on Asarcık hill, above Kumlubük bay, near the town of Turunç.

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To reach the ancient city, walk through the fragrant olive trees…

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Climb up to the top of Asarcık hill…

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Past the ruins of the city walls…August2011 015

To where the city overlooks the sea on three sides, built on top of a spit of land protruding into the bay…

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There are several sections of ruins of up the hill, including some residential areas, an amphitheater, and the walls of the ancient citadel.

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We had a great time following the brown historical road sign, and hope that there are many more in the future.

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Another Flat Jules Sighting!

Every year there is a 5k race at our town’s Old Home Day. When I went home in June my mom asked me if we could  train for it and run it together. We thought it was going to be in early August. Unfortunately, the race took place after I left for Turkey. My mother and I still trained for it all summer. My mother rocked that race and ran it in a little over 30 minutes. While I was not there in person, I supported her by doing my own 5k run in Marmaris that day.  I was a little disappointed to not make the race with her.

However, my Dad had a great idea… Flat Jules also made an appearance! After the Wellesley Reunion, my BFF from college mailed her to me, signed by all of my friends.  So my parents cajoled Flat Jules down from her room in the attic for some photos with my mom after the race.


My mom graciously shared her race number with Flat Jules!


While we did not run the race together, we did have a great time training together this summer.  It also gave me a great new outlet for stress and a new hobby.  I have run almost every day since I have returned to Turkey, around the track in Ankara and by the sea in Marmaris.   Maybe next year we will do another 5k together!